
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Quick-Reviews: Steven Tyler, Kissin' Dynamite, Miss Behaviour (July 2016)

Here are three more "Quick-Reviews" for you guys. This time I got something for Hard Rockers, AOR fans and even for Country lovers:

- STEVEN TYLER - "We're All somebody From Somewhere"
- KISSIN' DYNAMITE - "Generation Goodbye"
- MISS BEHAVIOUR - "Ghost Play"

STEVEN TYLER - "We're All Somebody From Somewhere"

Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler released his first solo album these days and many people were annoyed when it turned out that his solo work will be a country album. In my opinion Steven Tyler has the damn right to do things differently from his main band. That's why you do solo projects. It would have been boring if Tyler would have done the same stuff he is doing for more than 40 years now. And the result sounds very fresh! Steven Tyler gives all those Country songs a special twist with his unique voice and attitude. I was also really surprised by the good songwriting, which is even better than on the latest Aerosmith record. Listen to "Only Heaven" for example. All in all: Very well done! Even for people, who do not listen to Country music that often. Rating: 8/10

KISSIN' DYNAMITE - "Generation Goodbye"

It's great to see how this band from Germany gets more and more attention with each new record, because that is what they deserve. "Generation Goodbye" is already the fifth album by this band and it easily belongs to their best. Each song is a great Rock anthem with an 80's vibe, but very modern production. The band simply knows how to write extremly catchy songs like "She Came, She Saw", "Masterpiece" or "Hashtag Your Life". Some of them have even a deeper meaning. "Generation Goodbye" criticizes the way we live today with all that Social Media around us and how we make use of it. To be honest, it was time that someone took this topic to show how addicted we are. "Generation Goodbye" is a must-have for all Hard Rockers out there. Period! Rating: 9/10


In September the AOR Rockers of Miss Behaviour will release their third album, called "Ghost Play" and to me it sadly feels like a step back, compared to the nice predecessor "Double Agent". This record could shine with plenty of anthemic songs like the title track, "Corporation Arms" or "Don't Let It End". Such stand-out tracks are missing on this new record. Most of the time we get to hear very solid fare, that is presented and played very well, but I miss those songs that grab you immediately. Howsoever, songs like the opener "Friendly Fire" or "Walking In Shadows" are still worth listening to and friends of typical 80's AOR with guitars and synthesizers will get what they are looking for. Rating: 7/10


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