
Friday, June 17, 2016

Important Announcement - June 2016

Hey folks,

I know, I know, plenty of time passed by since the latest update on this blog and I can only apologize for that. I think you guys noticed that since last year the regularity of updates on this blog decreased sharply. This is due to new responsibilities I took in my day job. There are lots of things going on right now - not just in my job, also in my private life. So there is simply not enough time to focus on this blog - and to be honest I'm also not in the mood to sit down in front of my computer right after work where I sit the whole day in the office in front of another computer. It is much more important to me to spend the free time I have with family and friends right now. I just got to that point where I had to set priorities ... and yeah, that's the honest truth: I can't ensure writing countless reviews and other stuff in the (complex) way I did before. It's a lot of work and it takes a lot of time writing this stuff. Please keep in mind that I'm running this site on my own. There is nobody who is helping me out here. With that said I also want to say sorry to the many bands out there, who write me E-Mails with requests for doing reviews on their albums. I have to select very carefully what fits to my own taste in music. It wouldn't be fair to criticise bands and music styles I'm normally not listening to.

I know that sounds worse, but I also don't want to shut the whole thing down. So I decided to do some more little updates from time to time. First I'll start with "Quick-Reviews", which means I collect some albums over a certain period of time and I'll give you my opinion on them, but in a very short, very focused way without talking so much about unnecessary things. Maybe this also fits perfectly to the zeitgeist nowadays. I mean, who of you still reads long texts? For sure, maybe I'll do one or two longer reviews on very special albums again, but not in the nearer future.
Furthermore I'll try to continue doing interviews, since that doesn't happen that often I'll take the chance to do it if I have the opportunity. When it comes to live-reports I'll concentrate on shows/musicians I have not covered yet.

So these are the consequences that I have drawn to keep "Rock & Metal 4 You" still running and I hope you understand my points. THANK YOU!

All the best to you guys and keep on rockin'!!!



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