
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Special: Hands Off!

Hey folks,

due to recent events, I just want to clarify something: if you see one of my reviews on other websites except R&M4U and MyGlobalMind, then it has nothing to do with me! I just write for these two websites. Actually I saw one of my reviews on another site - and it's not the first time. I wasn't asked for my permission. The worst thing this time is that this review was placed under an illegal download. This can't be. First of all it's not fair to steal my writing and the second thing is I could get a lot of trouble when my stuff is published on illegal sites. But it also happened already on a "normal" webzine. So, please do me a favor and report stolen reviews to me. Thanks!

And to you guys, who want to steal my stuff: DARE YOU!!! How stupid are you?! Do you really think nobody would recognize this? Don't you have your own ideas? Even if you change three sentences and put your name under the post, it is still my writing and my style! I can prove it! Everybody, who put my stuff on another website without my permission will get a LOT of trouble, I promise you that - and don't think I wouldn't notice it! So, HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!

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