
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Live-Report: VOODOO CIRCLE / SHAKRA (Burglengenfeld, 08.05.2013)

Hey folks, here is something special for you: the first guest article on R&M4U! Huge thanks to Jessy for writing it. You are the best! :)
Only a bit more than two months have passed since the release of the new Voodoo Circle CD "More Than One Way Home". Now we all have the chance to listen to their songs live, because the band is currently touring through Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. The kick-off show of this small tour took place in Burglengenfeld. I was so happy to have the chance to be there! 

When I arrived, we all had to wait in the anteroom of the location, because Shakra, the support act, where still having their soundcheck. Meanwhile it was getting more and more crowded. I was totally happy to see, that this time there will be a bigger crowd than two years ago, when I saw Voodoo Circle at the same venue. Last time there were only about 50 people. I'd say that's definitely too less for such a great band! But this time luckily more than 250 people attended the show. Only 20 minutes before the show started, we were finally allowed to step into the mainhall. 

When I saw the stage, I was a bit surprised about the stage assembly, because Shakra had the whole stage to their disposal. Even the stage background looked great with all the lights, so I got the impression that they would headline the show =D  I found out later, they were co-headling it.
However, Shakra started their set with "Live Is Now" - one of my favourite tracks of their current album. It would have been a perfect opener, except for the big sound problems. Especially the singer, John Prakesh, was barely to hear. But after this song the sound engineer was able to eliminate almost all difficulties. Normally "support acts" have always problems to get the crowd on their side, but not Shakra! Right from the beginning everybody was rocking out with them, which was perhaps down to the fact that they had a great setlist! At the latest when they played their great ballad "Too Good To Be True" everyone was fascinated by this great band. So everyone demanded an encore, when they left the stage after 70 minutes. But after one more song "B True B You" their show was sadly definitely over.
I don't remember Shakras whole setlist, but among others they played:
  • Life Is Now
  • Dream Of Mankind
  • Ashes To Ashes
  • The Other Side
  • Dear Enemy
  • Too Good To Be True
  • Trapped
  • Back On Track
  • Rising High
  • B True B You

After a short break Voodoo Circle entered the stage with "Heart Of Babylon" and from the previous bad sound was nothing left. Especially David Readman (also known as the singer of Pink Cream 69) was clearly to understand in comparison to Prakesh. From the first moment the whole crowd was shouting and cheering. And that's no surprise, because every single member of this "All Star Band" understands his craft. As every song was a highlight for me, I'm not able to name one. One hit was followed by another one.

All the songs fit perfectly to David Readmans voice, which sometimes reminds me at David Coverdale. But I'm of the opinion that Readman is much better, especially live! His voice is really extraordinary, which goes deep under your skin. Besides that, he is able to deliver a lot of different emotions with it. So he added something special to every single song.

Matt Sinner, also known from excellent bands like Primal Fear and Sinner, is a genius on the bass. Besides that he is a passionated musician. So he was smiling during the whole concert and it was obvious that he enjoyed playing live.

Alex Beyrodt is a very gifted guitarist. Like Matt Sinner he's also member of Primal Fear and Sinner. Alex showed his talent especially during the guitar solos, which were included in almost every song. But that doesn't mean that he didn't do his best during all the other parts. In contrary: He was always giving more than 100 % and it was great to watch him. During doing so, you could recognize, that he really loves what he's doing and that he's getting one with his guitar!

Markus Kullman, the drummer, showed his talent especially during his drum solo (The Kullman). He was beating his drums like a maniac. Some of you may know him from his other band "Dezperadoz".

And last but not least: Alessandro Del Vecchio. He was the talented man behind the keys and he also got a few solo parts.

As every member gave his best, the result was an excellent show, which left everybody speechless. So everyone was screaming for more, when they left the stage after 60 minutes. So they came back to play three more songs. When the show was over, everyone was totally happy: The crowd, because of the great show. As well as Voodoo Circle, because everything went well and the crowd was partying with them the whole evening. What a great tour start!

If you have the chance to see them live one day, you should definitely take it! You won't regret it ;)

Setlist Voodoo Circle:
  1. Heart Of Babylon
  2. No Solution Blues
  3. This Could Be Paradise
  4. Tears In The Rain
  5. King Of Your Dreams
  6. Devils Daughter
  7. The Kullman (drum solo)
  8. Cry For Love
  9. Blind Man
  10. When Destiny Calls
  11. Graveyard City


  12. Alissa
  13. Killer In Me
  14. More Than One Way Home

written by Jessica Kapfhammer

For more information about Jessica, please visit her own blog (if you understand German):

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