
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bass-player Joel Fox Apelgren leaves DYNAZTY!

Sad news for all DYNAZTY fans: Joel Fox Apelgren leaves the Swedish Hard Rock band. He announced this on Dynazty's Facebook-Page. Read his full statement below:

"After more than five years filled with amazing experiences I have decided that my journey together with Dynazty has come to an end.

I have come to a point where I feel that I can no longer give the band 110% of my devotion, something I think is a necessity in a band like Dynazty.

The past years have been absolutely amazing, and I will certainly miss writing music, rehearsing, hanging out and to...uring with the guys. Over the years I have had the privilege of meeting a lot of wonderful people; musicians, technicians and especially fans, from all over the world, and for that I am truly grateful.

As you probably understand, this decision has not been easy for me to make, seeing as my life has basically revolved around this band for many years, but I feel that it's time to move on. I'm certain that the rest of the guys will keep bringing you kick-ass metal under the Dynazty flag!

Thank you for your support. I hope to see you all in the future!"

At this time it is not clear who will replace Joel. Currently DYNAZTY record their new album, which will hit the stores in the end of this year.

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