
Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Hey friends!

I think it's time to give a huge "thank you" to all readers of this blog and its facebook-page.
In just 4 weeks we built up a great Rock'n'Roll community and I hope you enjoy reading all that stuff as I have fun writing it. It's great to see how music connects people from all over the world. So thanks again for making this possible!
It was a very good year with a bunch of amazing rock & metal releases and I can tell you one thing: there are defenitely more great things to come in 2013! I hope you'll continue to go this way with "Rock & Metal 4 You". It's YOUR source for melodic rock & metal, so spread the word and let it grow.

In this context I'd like to wish each one of you a Merry Christmas and a rockin' New Year! See you in 2013! ;)

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