Allstar-projects seem to be in trend right now. After Avantasia, Avalon and Charming Grace, Michael Voss (Mad Max, ex-Casanova) & Mark Sweeney (ex-Crystal Ball) send their second Wolfpakk-album "Cry Wolf" into the race. The two masterminds gather a true armada of guest musicians around them. With members of Primal Fear, Axel Rudi Pell, Iron Saviour, Krokus, Masterplan, Deep Purple, Whitesnake and many more they don't need to hide from other projects. Let's see if this mixture works!
This Blog is for all of you, who enjoy Rock and Metal music like I do (especially the more melodic side with all its subgenres). Check it out for the latest CD-Reviews, Live-Reports, Interviews and much more if you are interested in Melodic Rock/Metal!
It's all about having fun here, so please feel free to comment and share my stuff. Thank you!
It's all about having fun here, so please feel free to comment and share my stuff. Thank you!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
CD-Review: Reckless Love - "Spirit"
The Boygroup in Rock and Metal is back! Boygroup? Yes, right from the beginning of their career Reckless Love seemed like a Teenie-Band to me. Their concept is that simple: put four good looking guys together, let them sing songs, which are more pop than rock ... oh and ensure that the singer is in every video half naked. The target group is obvious. That all seems a bit calculated and to be honest their second album was a slap in the face for every true Hard Rock/Hair Metal fan. But ironically Reckless Love want to be part of that genre. Let's see if they did some things better this time.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Special: Hands Off!
Hey folks,
due to recent events, I just want to clarify something: if you see one of my reviews on other websites except R&M4U and MyGlobalMind, then it has nothing to do with me! I just write for these two websites. Actually I saw one of my reviews on another site - and it's not the first time. I wasn't asked for my permission. The worst thing this time is that this review was placed under an illegal download. This can't be. First of all it's not fair to steal my writing and the second thing is I could get a lot of trouble when my stuff is published on illegal sites. But it also happened already on a "normal" webzine. So, please do me a favor and report stolen reviews to me. Thanks!
And to you guys, who want to steal my stuff: DARE YOU!!! How stupid are you?! Do you really think nobody would recognize this? Don't you have your own ideas? Even if you change three sentences and put your name under the post, it is still my writing and my style! I can prove it! Everybody, who put my stuff on another website without my permission will get a LOT of trouble, I promise you that - and don't think I wouldn't notice it! So, HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!
due to recent events, I just want to clarify something: if you see one of my reviews on other websites except R&M4U and MyGlobalMind, then it has nothing to do with me! I just write for these two websites. Actually I saw one of my reviews on another site - and it's not the first time. I wasn't asked for my permission. The worst thing this time is that this review was placed under an illegal download. This can't be. First of all it's not fair to steal my writing and the second thing is I could get a lot of trouble when my stuff is published on illegal sites. But it also happened already on a "normal" webzine. So, please do me a favor and report stolen reviews to me. Thanks!
And to you guys, who want to steal my stuff: DARE YOU!!! How stupid are you?! Do you really think nobody would recognize this? Don't you have your own ideas? Even if you change three sentences and put your name under the post, it is still my writing and my style! I can prove it! Everybody, who put my stuff on another website without my permission will get a LOT of trouble, I promise you that - and don't think I wouldn't notice it! So, HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
CD-Review: Arc Angel - "Harlequins Of Light"
How many of you remember Arc Angel? The Pomp rockers around Jeff Cannata released their debut album in 1983. Since then you never heard something new from this band. Cannata was busy in doing a project with James Christian and some solo stuff. Now, 30 years later Arc Angel release their second album "Harlequins Of Light" and the most important question is: Does it make sense to bring this band back to life after all those years?
Monday, August 19, 2013
CD-Review: Find Me - "Wings Of Love"
The new Melodic Rock project FIND ME seems to be a revelation to many people out there - at least if you look at the promo notes and some review ratings. "Wings Of Love" is called "the perfect Melodic Rock album" or "the new Melodic Rock dream" with 10/10 ratings. I checked if all those advance laurels are true or if it's just a hype.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Exclusive Interview with MAT SINNER (Sinner/Primal Fear/Voodoo Circle)
Mat Sinner is a true workaholic: he just finished the tour with Voodoo Circle, a new Sinner album will hit the stores in the end of August, more stuff from Primal Fear is also on the way and if this wasn't enough, recently a new "Rock Meets Classic" tour was announced, which comes along with a stunning line-up next year. So, I had many, many reasons to talk to Mat about all his activities and most of all about the fortcoming "Rock Meets Classic" tour. One thing is sure: we will hear a lot of this guy in the next few months. Check out what he had to reveal!
Monday, August 12, 2013
CD-Review: Mistress - "Loveteaser"
Have a look at this cover artwork, the band name and the title ... what do you think? Which genre could that be? Right, Mistress belong to the flood of new 80's Hard Rock / Hair Metal bands. These guys are from New Zealand. This country isn't known for this US-Hard Rock style, so let's see if Mistress do something new with the genre.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
CD-Review: Dion Bayman - "Smoke And Mirrors"

With Dion Bayman another musician tries to find his place in the melodic rock circus. This is not easy when you look at the list of bands, who dominate this genre. After listening to "Smoke And Mirrors" I can only say that this Australian guy don't need to hide from his competitors. I'll tell you why!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Live-Report: ALICE COOPER - Raise The Dead Tour (Lichtenfels, 04.08.2013)
He's back ... Alice Cooper visited Lichtenfels during his "Raise The Dead Tour" on August 4th, 2013. Alice Cooper influenced generations of musicians and fans with his shock rock and theatralic shows. No doubt, he is one of the last living legends in rock and with his 65 years he is still full of energy.
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