
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Special: Forthcoming Rock & Metal Releases in 2015!

Hey folks,

for all of you, who can't wait to see what the new year has to offer I created this list of bands who are currently working on a new album that is supposed to be released in 2015. These are just the records I'm looking forward to. It's not that much like last year, but that was to be expected because many of my favorite bands released their albums this year. But hey, so in 2015 there is more room for some surprises, right? :) Which album is your most wanted record in 2015?

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Album Of The Year 2014: # 05 - 01

Hey folks,

we finally made it: these are my personal top five albums of the year and I can tell you one thing: it was very, very hard for me to put these 5 records in a ranking order, because every single one of them impressed me so much this year. In the end every record could have been on number one. Now take a look and don't forget to tell me which 5 albums belong to your favorites! Feel free to write it in the comments below!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Album Of The Year 2014: # 10 - 06

Here we go again, folks! It's Christmas Eve - at least here in Germany. And for all of you, who still need a Christmas gift this album of the year ranking is a true blessing. Today I reveal # 10 to 06 of my personal best albums of the year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Album Of The Year 2014: # 15 - 11

Hello my friends,

2014 was an incredible year for our beloved genre. So many fantastic records hit the stores, you just can't count them and I think not one single "best-of list" does justice to the huge flood of Rock and Metal releases. Every single ranking list just captures a little glimpse, depending on various musical tastes - and so it is with my album of the year top 15 list. This ranking is a very subjective one, those records are the ones that found their way back into my CD-player over and over again and so I don't care about the scores I've given those albums. All records in this list have at least a final rating with 8 out of 10 points, but that's it. This list comes just straight from the heart.

And now let me give a huge THANK YOU to you people out there! Yes YOU, the readers of my blog and the ones, who supported "Rock & Metal 4 You" since the very beginning. You are the reason why I can do what I love to do. How much worth is a webzine without its readers? So thanks for stopping by from time to time and reading my stuff. Very special thanks go also to Denys Jaime from MyGlobalmind Webzine and to all the great musicians I had the pleasure to work with in 2014! The list is pretty long, so I can't thank everyone individually, but you know who you are! :)

I can't wait for the things to come next year with all of you guys! With that said I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hopefully some great records found their way under your Christmas tree. ;)
And now let's start with the first part of my album of the year ranking!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Exclusive Interview with Åge Sten Nilsen (ex-Wig Wam, Ammunition, Nordic Beast)

"It's hard to be a Rock'n'Roller" told us singer Åge Sten Nilsen with his former band Wig Wam already over a decade ago. Being in a band is a tough business sometimes - even so tough that it becomes a heavy load, so there is nothing left but to end the whole thing. Åge Sten Nilsen has experienced it himself: finishing with Wig Wam and starting from the beginning with two new bands: Nordic Beast and Ammunition. The latter released an excellent album this year, so it was time for me to talk with Åge about the new record as well as Glam Rock in general and of course about the end of Wig Wam. What happened behind the curtain? Find out what he had to say in this very honest in-depth interview. You'll be very surprised!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Special: TOP 15 Songs Of The Year 2014!

Hey folks,

various websites and magazines are publishing their "best of 2014" lists these days, so I'd like to jump on that train too and today I'll reveal the 15 best songs of 2014. For sure this is my personal taste, so maybe you guys have other favorites. Would be nice if you could put your top 5 songs of the year into the comments under this post. I'm very interested in what you think! All in all I must say that 2014 offered tons of great songs, but there are particular tracks that really stuck in my head the whole year. Those are the ones that are worth to be mentioned here.

Monday, December 8, 2014

CD-Review: Harem Scarem - "Thirteen"

So, folks here it is: my final review for this year. Canadian Rockers Harem Scarem did a little comeback last year when they released a re-recording of their highly acclaimed second album "Mood Swings". This one offered also three new tracks that were so enjoyable, so it was clear that an album with completely new material has to follow and now I'm holding this piece of work, called "Thirteen", in my hands.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Special: The biggest disappointments in 2014!

Hey folks,

it's December, that means in the next few weeks you'll be flooded with ranking lists from various blogs and magazines and altough there are four weeks left til the new year kicks in I'd like to start with my first list. That's simply because I haven't so much time at the moment and there will be six more posts about my top 15 songs/albums of the year. So, to ensure that you'll get all these posts till the end of December I have to start now. Yeah and as always I'd like to start with the biggest disappointments of this year. Please keep in mind that this is a very personal and subjective ranking. If you'd like to read something that is objective as hell, then you have to read something different :) And now let's go!