
Saturday, January 25, 2014

CD-Review: Lover Under Cover - "Into The Night"

I was already wondering if a new Last Autumn's Dream album will arrive this month, because usually we get to hear a new album from these guys each year. But this time they released just a Best-Of. So, nothing new from workaholic and singer Mikael Erlandsson this year?  No - how could I think about that. Seems like Erlandsson took a break from LAD to write a new album togehter with his buddy Martin Kronlund. Under the banner "Lover Under Cover" they released their second album "Into The Night" a few days ago.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Exclusive Interview with AXEL RUDI PELL (ARP, Ex-Steeler)

He is a true veteran in the Metal and Hard Rock scene: the German Axeman Axel Rudi Pell celebrates his 25th anniversary together with his band. To get the party started he blessed his fans with a great present: his 15th studio album "Into The Storm" was released a few days ago and a big tour including a special anniversary show is coming up next. Reason enough for me to talk to the guitar-maestro about his new record, the Heavy Metal scene and the reason why a band is named after their guitarist.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Special: Best Of 2013 - Your Results!

Hello folks,

two weeks ago I asked you about your favorite albums, bands, etc. in 2013. First of all I want to thank everyone, who joined the survey.
When I take a look at the results I'm very happy, because it seems most of you have the same musical taste like me and that shows me that I'm not alone with my opinions.

Friday, January 10, 2014

CD-Review: Freedom Call - "Beyond"

It's time for a new Happy Metal party! The Bavarian Power Metal heroes Freedom Call are back with a new album called "Beyond" and want to show how a Power Metal LP should be done. This time under the motto "back to the roots". In advance, it was announced that the guys wanted to take a step back to their first records, because of the reactions they got on their last tour. With this review I'll tell you if they succeeded.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

CD-Review: Axel Rudi Pell - "Into The Storm"

Every second year the German Axeman Axel Rudi Pell brings a new record to the Hard Rock community and with this persistence he has gained a large fan base since the late 80's. His latest work "Circle Of The Oath" brought him his highest chart positions until now. The forthcoming album is called "Into The Storm". That sounds quiet epic - let me tell you what it has to offer.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

CD-Review: Iron Mask - "Fifth Son Of Winterdoom"

I know, I know, I'm a little bit late with this one, because the 5th album from the Belgian Metal band Iron Mask was already released at the beginning of November 2013. But I think this record is worth to get reviewed here. Iron Mask is another band I totally ignored over the years. I was familiar with the name but rarely more so I won't refer here to previous albums from this band. Very often this is a good thing, because everything is a bit more objectiv then. So, let's go!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Special: Best Of 2013 - Reader's Choice!

Hey folks,

I hope all of you had a great New Year's Eve!
After I showed you my album/song of the year lists it's YOUR turn. I'd like to know what you think about the Rock/Metal year 2013. Please fill out the form below. I'll collect the answers and will do another post with YOUR results in a few days. So please be part of it and spread the word! Thank you! :)