
Monday, December 23, 2013


Hey my friends,

I just wanted to take the time to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas! I know, you can read that everywhere at the moment, but so what? Enjoy the last few days of the year with your loved ones and some cool Rock Christmas songs (you know there are a bunch of them on Youtube).
Thanks again for reading and supporting this blog. I hope all of you will be with me next year and will make 2014 to an outstanding Rock/Metal year! I'll do my best to keep you updated with my reviews, interviews and live reports. Is there something you miss? Then don't be afraid to write me a message. Rock on!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

CD-Review: Beautiful Beast - "Kick Down The Barricades"

As you might know there are so many retro-bands out there, who try do bring back the Hair Metal sound of the glory 80's, but none of them does it with so much passion and perfectionism like the German Hair Metal band Beautiful Beast. Bandleader Julian Angel (who is also responsible for songwriting, production and guitarplay) is one of those guys, who really live this lifestyle from that era and has the ability to transport this mood in his music. The latest record "California Suntan" was my summer album of the year in 2012. So, expectations were high on the third album, which will be released on January 24th, 2014.

Monday, December 16, 2013

CD-Review: Johnny Lima - "My Revolution"

How long I've been waiting for this album? It must have been up to five years, because back in 2009 the Californian Melodic Rocker Johnny Lima released his latest record "Livin' Out Loud". In the meantime I had the chance to see him live in 2012 in a smaller venue. Here he performed a few new songs and left me hungry for more. Now he finally is about to release his new effort "My Revolution". Let's see if it was worth the wait!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Album Of The Year 2013: # 05 - 01

Hello my friends,

now the time has come: today I reveal my top five album of the year list! Those five albums are the ones I can always listen to without getting bored.
Some of you wrote me already which records you prefer. For those of you who didn't do it until now: feel free to write me a message or leave a comment under this post. I'm very interested in what YOU are thinking. So, now let's start the final countdown. :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Album Of The Year 2013: # 10 - 06

Hey folks,

I'm very excited to present you the next five records in my album of the year ranking, covering # 10 to 06 this time. It was a hard decision to choose the order of those 5 longplayers, because the quality from each one of them is excellent.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Album Of The Year 2013: # 15 - 11

Hey folks,

the time has finally arrived. Today I'll start my most important countdown: my album of the year ranking. As I said before, it was an incredible year and every record on this list deserves it to be mentioned there. But before I start I want to clarify some things - just to ensure that nobody is irritated. There are some albums on a higher position, although I gave them once a lower rating. This is for one reason only: time. If I write a review I can give the album a few spins and I also have to be a bit more objective, but I don't have the time to see if an album really grows on me - and this is something some albums did over the last months. These are the ones, which found their way back into my cd-player again and again. So, while choosing the order of this ranking I haven't paid attention to my reviews. It was more a choice from the heart, if you want so. Please keep that in mind. But if you want to talk about numbers I can promise you one thing: every album, which ended up on that list, has at least a review-score from eight out of ten. All the other records didn't made it.  Enough with the talking - here is the first part from the 15 best albums in 2013!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Song Of The Year 2013: # 05 - 01

Hello folks,

my first ranking comes to an end with this post. These are the five best songs in 2013 for me: a bombastic Metal Opera song, a tough Melodic Rocker, an energetic Power Ballad, a feel-good Party-Anthem and finally a dreamy Symphonic Metal Ballad. What about your favorites???

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Song Of The Year 2013: # 10 - 06

Hey folks,

it's getting more and more interesting. Here is the second part of my personal song of the year ranking, covering # 10 to 06!
Please don't forget to tell me, which songs impressed you very much in 2013! :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Song Of The Year 2013: # 15 - 11

Hey friends,

today I want to start my first countdown of this year. So before I'll show you my album of the year list (the most interesting thing for you, I think) I present you my personal song of the year list, starting with # 15 to 11.
I can tell you one thing: it was very hard for me to select 15 songs from the mass of great records this year. To my surprise many ballads made it in that list. Maybe because I was in that mood - don't really know. Ok, I always loved the big rock ballads from the 80's and I think you'll see that tendency in this list. So, let's get right into it!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Special: The biggest disappointments in 2013!

Hey folks,

it's December, that means it's time to look back at this year. What had 2013 to offer? I would say: many amazing records. But before I give you my album/song of the year countdown I want to start with the disappointments this year. Luckily that aren't so many. Feel free to comment and discuss my list. What do you think? What was your fail in 2013?