
Sunday, June 30, 2013

CD-Review: James Christian - "Lay It All On Me"

Every lover of melodic rock/AOR should know his name: James Christian is a highly respected singer in the genre. Since his start in 1988 he released some albums with his band House Of Lords, which became classics to many fans out there (just think of "Sahara" from 1990). He also released two solo albums yet. Now it's time for his third solo effort. So expectations are high, can he fulfill them?

CD-Review: Pat Travers - "Can Do"

Frontiers Records is about to release the new album by guitarist Pat Travers on July 5th, 2013. One moment ... Pat Travers? Never heared of him before. A look at the promo sheet tells me he is active since 1976 and he released something around 30 releases with his band until now. So this is pretty much and I'm really happy I haven't listened to those 30 albums before - otherwise I may have heared most of the stuff on "Can Do" before, I think.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Live-Report: BON JOVI (Berlin - Waldbühne, 18.06.2013)

During their "Because We Can" world tour, the stadium rockers BON JOVI visited also Berlin on June 18th, 2013. They played for the first time after 13 years in the capital of Germany. In 2000 the "Waldbühne" was also choosen as the event-location, but this time there were different circumstances.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

CD-Review: Magnus Karlsson - "Free Fall"

If you like Melodic Metal you should be familiar with the name Magnus Karlsson. This guy is the mastermind behind the Allen/Lande project as well as The Codex, Kiske/Somerville or Last Tribe ... and of course don't forget his full-time job as the guitar player of the power metal band Primal Fear. With all these activities you might think his timetable is full enough, but Magnus seems to bubbling over with creativity. He released his first solo album "Free Fall" a few days ago and even this is a solo record Magnus invited lots of guest singers on this one.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Exclusive Interview with ELIZE RYD (Amaranthe)

If you currently search for one of the hottest acts in Metal, then you don't get away from Amaranthe. This band is a little phenomenon, because they don't fit in a special sub-genre, but nevertheless they are one of the most successful metal bands at the moment. With their latest release "The Nexus" Amaranthe seem to be unstoppable and are currently touring in the whole world. So I was really happy about the chance of having a little chat with the female vocalist of this band - the lovely Elize Ryd!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Exclusive Interview with HELGE ENGELKE (Fair Warning, Dreamtide)

The German cult-band Fair Warning released their incredible new album "Sundancer" some days ago. This should be reason enough to ask guitar-player Helge Engelke some questions about Fair Warnings new activities. Be ready for a very detailed interview with one of the finest guitarists from Germany.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

CD-Review: Dark Moor - "Ars Musica"

Symphonic Metal fans have a reason to celebrate: the Spanish Symphonic Power Metalers of Dark Moor are about to release their 9th album in two weeks and I must confess that I've never heard of this band before ... but the beautiful cover artwork of their new record "Ars Musica" aroused my interest, as well as the many positive reactions to their new material. So, I didn't really know what to expect, but often this is a good sign, because I often experience great surprises if I can listen to something without any expectations.